God it’s good to have a conversation with you, but it must get boring for you? I’m pretty blimmen repetitive, always bleating on about the same stuff – business, family, etc.

What’s wrong with that?

Well, you know, Religion teaches we’re supposed to stop thinking about our stuff – they’re always on about how that sort of thinking is selfish.

Since when have I been interested in what Religion says?


Drop that and stick with the subject. Do I ever interject with things you didn’t expect me to say?

Yes, a lot. I never expected you’d talk to me as clearly as this. We were taught we had to be good little Christians before we’d ever hear you clearly, and I’m certainly not that.

No, true, but don’t concern yourself, the idea is unattainable for anyone – back to the subject though… What about the day-to-day things I say, do they surprise you, are they things you hadn’t expected and couldn’t have ‘made up’ yourself?


Good then. Could that mean, do you think, that when I feel the need to talk about what I want to talk about, that I do?

I guess?

Good, so tell me what you wanted to talk about.

Well, the week ahead, I guess. Any thoughts on that?

Of course, plenty…


No ‘buts’, just to summarise though, you’re good at this, your plans for your business and your family are working, have you noticed that? Keep doing what you’re doing and discuss the little things with me whenever you feel the need. I’m always up for a conversation and to give direction if it’s wanted.

That’s it?

Trust yourself and go for gold, Mark, go for gold!

What, as in money, go for money??

In your business yes, of course, but in your family what would you equate with ‘gold’?

Well, everyone being in situations where they can be relaxed, healthy (in body and mind), enjoy their lives and be able to achieve greatness in whatever talents they were born with.


Yes, whatever you and they see as their ‘best selves’. I’d love to see them all change the world in some small or great way.

What do you mean by ‘great way’?

Whatever it was you had in mind when you gave them life, you always see a better outcome than we do.


Kiddy-fiddlers, wife-stealers and thieves. Why so many pastors mess up.


TWO JESUSES – which one do you want me to be?