Why are Christians so obsessed with the idea that God wants them to ‘get their lives right’?

How come us Christians are so convinced we have to get our lives right’ before we’ll be acceptable to you – or you’ll speak to us in full sentences and paragraphs?

First, I have a question for you. Answer mine and I’ll answer yours. Why are your children convinced they have to get their lives right before you’ll have a proper conversation with them?

Good grief. Is that honestly how they feel??

No, of course not. But if they did, if they were convinced they had to get their lives right before they were acceptable to you, what sort of father would that make you?

Not very good, pretty much a tyrant, I guess.

Do you think others would agree with that sentiment, or are you just particularly soft?

No, I don’t think I could be accused of being soft. If anything, I need to be softer.

So, are you saying your friends would think you were a tyrant if they knew your kids had to get their lives right before they were acceptable to you?

I’m not sure they’d use those exact words, but they’d definitely think something was amiss – that I needed help in the fathering department.  I mean kids are human, right, and for a father to expect them to get their lives right before he’d accept them is a pretty harsh.

Hmmm. So why do you Christians think that I’m forever focused on you ‘getting your lives right’? 

That’s what I’m asking you.

No, you tell me. And tell me honestly, do you honestly think the idea came from me?

Email ‘send me 11 DAYS free’ to info@thefreedomdiaries.co.nz

Talk Soon. Mark :)

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IT’S TIME WE SAID NO TO THE NAYSAYERS who think business and financial goals aren’t spiritual.


Yes, what I said back then, the words written down are important, but…