What on earth have us Christians done to you, God? We’ve turned you into a tyrant! 

I mean most people, if they’re honest, would probably love a conversation with you, just not the Christian version of you. That version, the Christian version is an a… well let’s not use that word here, but you get the drift.

Of course I get the drift, this is me you’re talking about. You’ve made me into a monster, all three of us.

All three of you?

Father, Son and Spirit: You’ve made me, the Father, into a monster who demands obedience to endless Christian rules like bible reading and early morning prayer, and then told the world that if they don’t observe those supposed rules, I’ll have no choice other than to torture them in hell.

You’ve told them I needed someone to punish for your sins so I punished my only son so you could escape my anger. You’ve told them that’s real love, and you’re so blind that you can’t see what they can see.

What can they see?

Just the obvious – that a father who’s prepared to punish his favourite son for something he didn’t do, is overly punishment-focused and completely unpredictable. Who would want to be left alone with that sort of father if the favourite son wasn’t around that day??

Ok, and what about the ‘Son version’ of you?

Where do you want me to start? You Christians have taken my name, Jesus, and made it a byword. When people hear my name they shudder. They immediately expect that you’re going to try and convert them, or equally awful, that you’re about to rant embarrassingly about how you ‘love Jesus’, or worse still, roundly condemn anyone you think is particularly ‘backslidden or nonchristian’.  

I suppose I might as well ask about the ‘Spirit version’ of you, what have we done to that version?

You’ve made me into a weakling.

A weakling?

Yes, a weakling. Your preachers tell their congregations that I am a ‘gentleman’, that if they sin, I have to leave. Really?? What sort of prissy God do you think I am? You completely overlook the evidence. If it’s true that I drew you into relationship with the three of us when you were at your lowest and presumably worst, how did I manage to do that if I can’t be around you when you’re sinful??

You speak so much nonsense about all three of us, and then assume that somehow the world won’t spot your lies. I’m not a lie, none of us are, we are the truth – the way, the truth and the life. How can you expect people to believe that with all your nonsense.

But I don’t think we mean to lie, God?

No you don’t, you just believe what you’re told and pass it on. It’s time you asked questions.

Who shall we ask?


Ok, true.

Does that answer your first question?

First question?

You asked why most people would probably like a conversation with me, but just not the Christian version of me? One of the three biggest barriers between humanity and me is organised Christianity and its belief in so many wrong ideas about me.

‘One of the three biggest barriers’?? Good grief, dare I ask what the other two are?

Absolutely. Organised Christianity’s history of emotional, mental, physical and sexual abuse of those inside its walls.

That’s it? That’s the other two barriers between humanity and you?

No, that’s just one of them, the third is Christianity’s punishment, victimisation and murder of those outside of its walls. Two thousand years of social condemnation, genocide and murderous inquisition.

You might want to pretend it’s not true, but the world is waiting for you to spot the truth and explain it to them. Most of humanity will be deaf to anything else till you come clean about Christianity’s terrible track record through the ages.


Yes, what I said back then, the words written down are important, but…


Face to face: It’s the meaning of life if you’d care to experience it.